Monday, February 7, 2011

What the Media does for me obviously it's been quite a while since my last post. Griffin was just starting to be a little human and I was still trying to juggle a job that ate me alive for a while. Fast forward year and a half, almost two years. Griffin is now walking, running, climbing, grabbing, screaming, and generally being a two year old. His conversation is peppered with "no!" and "Mine!" Cade is doing great and has this little girlfriend that I just think it's adorable. The only glitch right now is that my job of the last 2 years in ending in a couple of months. Ahhh, the greatness of the grant world! There are some good things about the end as well as some bad, but it leaves me in this bizarro place of looking for a job. And no one hates (did I mention HATE!) the process of job hunting more than me.

Lately, as I scour the job boards and network with friends for something to do that I like (imagine that), it's led me to really comtemplate some things about myself and my needs. I've found an interesting truth that I'm sure you've found too...when I watch too much TV, read too many magazines, and basically, immerse myself in society too much, I find that my need level grows and grows and I begin to feel impatient for the things I don't have, like I don't measure up, like I need a new car and have to go workout and buy new clothes and I wish my house were bigger and my kids all wore Gap all the time and what about our teeth? Are they white enough and should I be eating organically all the time and what if I can't pay my house note and should I get married and on and on and on .... I get overwhelmed to say the least. When I took this job, I took a $30,000 a year pay cut. That's alot of money any way you cut it. But the cool thing is, God worked it all out. I make more now with the extra things I do, than I did making $75,000 a year.

You know, the Bible talks alot about trusting God for the things we need. Phil. 4:19 says God will meet all of our needs according to his riches. And we all know about His riches. But when? And how? How easy it is to say we trust him, when we really don't TRUST him to work it all out. And Hollywood constantly tells us that we aren't skinny enough, ricvh enough, smart enough, well-dressed enough. That we should be doing this, eating that, studying this, employed at that. But here's what the Bible says. Ephesians says that we are His masterpiece. He knows every hair on our head. Even your momma don't know that! :) WE are what matters most to God. Every thought, every problem, every tear, every laugh, every win, everything. He cares for us the way we care for our children. Do I really care that someone is talking about my kid at school and makes him come home mad? Well, yes. It makes me want to call that kid's mother and ask her if she knows what an idiot she is raising and to get it together! It's that protective love. I care every single time my child is not the slightest. God feels the same way about me. About you.

So, the moral of the story? God made you ENOUGH. He didn't look at you and say, that's Carrie. I made her almost good enough. Nope. He looks at you and sees the masterpiece he's created. You bring tears to his eyes when he thinks back to where you've been compared to where you are now. He almost weeps in joy when he thinks about what he's got in store for you! So, today, as you go through your day, just know...God created you PERFECT. You are smart enough, skinny enough, capable enough, strong enough, beautiful enough, and God is on your side!!