Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Child's Prayer

Have you ever heard a child pray? They are so openly honest with God. Tonight, for the first time in a long time, I prayed with my son. I know that sounds terrible. We used to pray together every night, but it got lost somewhere along the way. Today we've had alot of bad news. I think I'm still in a fog...I haven't figured out how to react yet. So, tonight we prayed together. I prayed for him and he prayed for me. I wept. I wept because it was beautiful and pure. I wept because he said things that I didn't know he felt. He prayed that God would give me a job "not some little Target checkout job, but the kind of job that my mom deserves." He prayed for his baby brother. He prayed for his Nana. My heart broke in a million pieces...I'm still a mess. He didn't want to pray in front of me because he thinks he can't pray. Wow, does he not understand that God's heart is overcome when he prays? I have to wonder if my adult prayers touch God's heart the way a child's does. Does God weep out of sheer love every time I pray the way I do when Cade prays? Does he know how beautiful and pure he is when he talks to God? I realize sometimes what a HUGE sacrifice it was for God to give his son for us. There are alot of people I love in my life. But I'm not letting my son die for any of them. I love my mother with a passion that I don't have for anyone else, but if it came down to her or my sons, well.....And to watch your son die so brutally, tortured, murdered. Surely his heart broke a million times. Surely he screamed and wailed from the grief. He knew beforehand. He knew how much pain it would cause him. He knew how terrible it would be for Jesus. But He did it anyway. I am so humbled by His love tonight that I can only weep.

1 comment:

  1. Check out this site. They travel to different areas to display their amazing photography called "Reflections of Christ". It is non-profit but there are a few costs they do incur and ask for in order to come to an area. Would be a nice thing for a large church.
