Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Griffin's Baby Dedication

Last Sunday, Cade and I dedicated baby Griffin to God. It was one of the coolest days! My parents were there and my childhood friend, Wendi, and her little girl, The beautifulest Tessa, Donna, who saw Griffin's birth, Lizzie, Griffin's third most favorite person right after me and Cade, and Jenny and Diane, two of my newest and most adored friends. It was just so awesome to be surrounded by people that love me. I'm just so blessed to be at HPC. A few days before, Wayne Austin, DeLynn's dad, called and talked to me about baby dedication. As we were talking, he started to talk about not being ashamed of being a single mother. I didn't really ask him anything, but he told me he felt like he needed to say that to me. He told me a story of back in the day when girls would be stoned to death if they weren't virgins when they were married. The night after the husband and wife consummated their marriage, the daughter would bring the bedsheet with the blood on it to her father and he would keep the sheet as proof that his daughter was pure. Wayne told me that every time the devil tries to lie to me and make me feel ashamed, God goes and gets his sheet with his blood from the crucifixion because I am made pure by his sacrifice. I was a mess by the time he got done, but it was something I needed to hear. There are so many times that I feel ashamed, but I always have to remember that God does not condemn me and has paid the price for all sin.
Later that day, Jenny and Diane came over and brought Griffy all kinds of beautiful gifts and brought me a big ole Turtle Pie! Do my girls know me or WHAT! I am just so blessed and honored to have such a great family and great friends!

1 comment:

  1. hey, i have heard bro. wayne share that story and i think its awesome. what a wonderful, wonderful msg for single moms to hear!!!!
