Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Step in the Right Direction for Our Single Moms

One of my friends and someone I consider one of my spiritual mentors got the opportunity to be on a great radio show to speak about our single mom's group here at Healing Place Church and just about single moms in general. Jennifer is the head of our group and just speaks such promise and hope in to the lives of so many single mothers here in Baton Rouge. She is one of the most real people I've met in a long time and is the only person I know that can give me a run for my money in the talking department! She is full of energy, God and just just has a real heart for single moms. Follow this link and go listen to her appearance on the show! You can also click on her picture and view her blog! I'm warning you now: The other guest on the show can outtalk both me and Jennifer put together (it must be because she's from Haaaa-vard) so you'll just have to endure the psychobabble to hear what Jenn has to say, but it's still good listening!! Post a point for the Single Moms and getting the word out there that there is somewhere to turn!

1 comment:

  1. hey thanks for the plug, real sweet.
    be sure to put some pics of cade up, too!
    cute pics of you & griff.
