Monday, June 8, 2009

Things I Want to Remember

There are moments in your life that you wish you could freeze. This is one of them. The was the first moment Griffin came into Cade's life. He had been very real to me for many months already. And even though Cade responded to countless "Come see this!!" moments, every time the baby started kicking, this was the REAL DEAL. He was finally a big brother. Cade held Griffin even before I did. There were moments that I remember from the birth, my mom cutting the cord, my friend Donna screaming, Here he comes! But there were two breathtaking moments during Griffin's birth. One was when I reached down and held his tiny hand even before I saw him. The other was when Cade held Griffin for the first time. I looked over from my hospital bed and though there must have been twenty people witnessing this very intimate moment, there was only us three. Cade looked at me, tears streaming down his face and said "Mom, he's so beautiful." I hadn't really cried until then. Heck, I'm weepy writing this now. It was just so beautiful that all I could do was cry. These boys were mine...both of them.
To be a mother has to be one of the greatest callings on earth. It took me 34 years to understand why my mother used to get so furious when I wouldn't call her to say I was going to be late. It took me lying in bed, debating on what hospitals to call first while my son was eating with some friends at Chili's at 10:30 at night, having the time of his life. What a burden a mother has to carry for each of her children. But what an amazing life!

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