Friday, June 5, 2009


Okay...everyone has a Blog except me. So, you know I've got to have one, even if I am the last on the block to try it out. Maybe you'll find it interesting, maybe you won't. Maybe someone will read it on a day when I have something important to say and it will give them hope for the day. Of course, you'll have to wade through endless pictures of my new baby, my 13-going-on-30 teenage son, and probably my cats too, to actually get to the meat of what I have to say. You'll probably also have to read page long litanies about why the people at McDonald's can't just smile at the window and try to enjoy their job among other issues that I feel plague the world that day. But eventually, you may be surprised...I may say something worth reading.

So, first about me. I am a 34 year old single mom who lives in Baton Rouge and attends Healing Place Church. I happened upon this church one day and my life has never been the same. God truly calls us to be where he wants us to be. I come from a place where alot of single moms come from, depression, loneliness, addiction, abuse, and lots of other stuff. I've been in that big black hole where so many women are and there were definitely times I thought I couldn't make it through. But God truly has delivered me from the mud and filth that used to be my life. And it's not always easy, in fact, rarely easy. As I listened to a song one morning while I was praying, I listened to the words and heard the phrase, A Beautiful Mess. I thought, That's me. God has taken what used to be such a mess, and made it beautiful. I'm not ashamed to say that God finds me beautiful...and worthy...and loved...and desired...and clean. It's taken me a long time to get to this point, but every day I am reminded (some days more than others) what I used to be compared to where I am now. I am still a mess :o) but God is constantly working on me.

I have a 13 year old son who is the most brillant guy in the world (just ask him) and pretty handsome if I do say so myself. It is a challenge to raise a guy to be godly in today's world when he is surrounded with things you can't even imagiine. Sometimes, he comes home with these things that make my ears burn and I have to put on that face that says Oh? Really? No big deal...tell me more (moms know that face), when inside I'm screaming, Oh NO!!!!! Not THAT question!!!!

I also have a beautiful new 11 week old baby. He is amazing and everyone has to hear about him and see his pictures ad nauseum. In case you don't know what that means, it means until you want to throw up! Sorry...I've become one of "those moms".

I also share my house with 5 cats...that's right 5. Before you ask, no, I didn't intend on having 5 cats. Why on Earth would anyone intend on 5 cats??? It makes life interesting to say the least...

So, that's me and mine. Stay tuned for more on life, God, being a mom, why I hate Wal-Mart, how I like my coffee and other world-changing events!!

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