Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Griffin's Baby Dedication

Last Sunday, Cade and I dedicated baby Griffin to God. It was one of the coolest days! My parents were there and my childhood friend, Wendi, and her little girl, The beautifulest Tessa, Donna, who saw Griffin's birth, Lizzie, Griffin's third most favorite person right after me and Cade, and Jenny and Diane, two of my newest and most adored friends. It was just so awesome to be surrounded by people that love me. I'm just so blessed to be at HPC. A few days before, Wayne Austin, DeLynn's dad, called and talked to me about baby dedication. As we were talking, he started to talk about not being ashamed of being a single mother. I didn't really ask him anything, but he told me he felt like he needed to say that to me. He told me a story of back in the day when girls would be stoned to death if they weren't virgins when they were married. The night after the husband and wife consummated their marriage, the daughter would bring the bedsheet with the blood on it to her father and he would keep the sheet as proof that his daughter was pure. Wayne told me that every time the devil tries to lie to me and make me feel ashamed, God goes and gets his sheet with his blood from the crucifixion because I am made pure by his sacrifice. I was a mess by the time he got done, but it was something I needed to hear. There are so many times that I feel ashamed, but I always have to remember that God does not condemn me and has paid the price for all sin.
Later that day, Jenny and Diane came over and brought Griffy all kinds of beautiful gifts and brought me a big ole Turtle Pie! Do my girls know me or WHAT! I am just so blessed and honored to have such a great family and great friends!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Do You Give In To ??

I was thinking this morning....what do other people give in to? What do I give in to? Fear, jealousy, control, weariness, insecurity to name a few. God has done so much for me, yet I still try to tell Him what to do with my life. How many times I've prayed, God, I need you to do this for me right now or God, I just want your will, but I really hope you'll understand that this is what I need. There is a passage in Jeremiah 1:5-10. Here it is:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. "Ah, Sovereign Lord, " I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say I am only a child. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them for I am with you and will rescue you, " declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."

God does not need our help. He does not need us to draw him OUR map. He said he knew us before we were in the womb. He says He has a plan for our lives. God has set us apart from everyone else. Each person he created has something special that only that person has. What I love most about God is that he doesn't just give us the task to do and then send us out alone. He says, Don't say you're a child. I, the Almighty God, Creator of the Universe will be with you and rescue you. I will give you the words to speak. I'll give you everything to do your task. And then, He doesn't just give Jeremiah lip service. He doesn't just say, Hey Man, I'll be there and I'll help you. He ACTS. God reaches down and touches Jeremiah's mouth. When God gave people sight, he touched their eyes. When God healed the deaf, he put his fingers in their ears! Our God is a hands on God. It is a very intimate act to touch someone's mouth. Think about it...when do you touch a stranger's mouth? Never. But how many times have you wet your finger and cleaned your child's mouth, kissed them on the lips? God wants an intimate relationship with us. He wants to know us and for us to trust Him. He wants to be there for us so we never have to give in. God says, Don't be afraid, don't be a child. I am there for you. Don't be insecure. You are not a child. You are a strong, powerful woman. I have called you to be a prophet to the nations. Not Baton Rouge....the NATIONS. God wants more for us than we could ever dream for ourselves. So, don't give in...don't draw God a map. He is the Creator of the Universe...he already has the map.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Does God answer prayers?

YOU BET HE DOES!!! Most of you know that times have been really tough for me and the fam after getting laid off in November and then Griff's birth. I have been trying to float my house payment for months now, just trying to stay one month ahead of foreclosure, which is why I have to go back to work. Today, out of the blue, I received a phone call from someone who had unexpectedly received a check from a vendor she had billed four years ago. She had been trying to collect this money for 4 years and had just gotten paid today. Instead of using that money for her past due bills, she called and said she was sending it to me!!!!! Can you believe that!!!???? Tell me God doesn't work in mysterious ways!!! Craziness.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Owe, I Owe, so it's Off to Work I Go!

Well, I don't have to tell any mother what a horrible thing it is to go back to work with a new baby. It just plain old stinks! I don't want to leave Griff, but if I wait any longer, we may be knocking on some of your doors to find a place to stay...literally. Look at that face! Is there any doubt why I would want to stay home and play with him all the time?
I finally had a breakdown. The stress finally just kicked my butt...having to worry about the house, my bills, child support, all the things single moms everywhere have to face every single day just to exist. I don't break down very often, but this one had been building for a while. I felt tense to the point I had a headache all the time and my fibromyalgia was going nuts, I wasn't sleeping well, and I was barking constantly at Cade. I tried to trust in God. He has brought me so far and has taken such good care of me that I know in my heart he wasn't going to let me fail. But I was so exhausted, mentally, physically, that I couldn't think straight, let alone pray. So, finally, I decided to call a close friend of mine, some one I consider my spiritual mentor.
Now, we all have those friends that will say "You're right, everyone else is wrong." And we all need those friends at times. But I needed truth, spiritual truth, good or painful. I needed to know why I felt so dry, why I felt like God wasn't answering me. So, I called and we talked. As the conversation progressed, I told her that I just felt like God wasn't listening and maybe he was tired of hearing me pray for the same thing. And she said something to me that brought everything into perspective in a moment. She said, "The teacher never talks during the test."
Wow!!!!! I thought about that. You know, I feel like the last year or so has been God just teaching me and teaching me. I've learned so much about depending on Him for my provision and being obedient and trusting him no matter how I felt. All these months of learning and schooling, and now, here was the test. How was I going to do? Would I crumble? Would I trust God even when I couldn't feel Him? I hadn't been able to pray in days. I didn't want to pray that night. But, I did what I know God wanted me to do. I didn't say my prayers laying in bed under the covers, half asleep like I usually do at night. I got down on my knees by my bed and I Prayed, with a capital P. I cried. I told God every feeling I was feeling, every thought I had, good or bad (He knew it anyway) and I prayed until I felt peace. And now, I still feel peace.
Don't get me wrong. I still don't WANT to go back to work and leave Griffin. But God has blessed me with a great person who's willing to come into my home and care for Griff. It's someone I trust and Griffin likes, and it's not a daycare. So, it's the best I could hope for short of staying home.
I guess what I'm saying is, God never forsakes us. He never ignores us. So, the next time you're going through a really tough time and you feel dry, like God is no where to be found, remember, "The teacher never talks during the test."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pamper Night 2009

Last night was Pamper Night 2009 at Healing Place Church. It's a night where our church (the BEST church in the world) brings in people from spas and salons all over town and they give facials, massages, manis and pedis, eyebrow waxing, etc. and don't forget the wonderful food and drinks!! There were ALOT of ladies there! I was fortunate enough to see several of my friends and even a bunch of ladies I knew from the Dream Center downtown. When I was getting my facial, I was laying next to one of the women from the Dream Center who I promise you, has never had a facial before and probably has only seen them in movies. I know for a fact she has lived on the streets, been beaten up by her boyfriend, and has a child addicted to meth. This is what Healing Place does best. They just love on these ladies, no strings attached. No bible thumping, hellfire and brimstone preaching, just God's love constantly. No one ever got saved and lived the life God intended for them to live out of fear of going to hell. HPC just spreads the love and serves the people in a million different ways, but Pamper Night has to be one of the best!!!

I didn't get to have my massage and pedi because Griff was running a fever and we had to leave. But I just feel so blessed to be part of a church that does stuff like this ALL the time (and did I mention it was free!). And of course, the night wouldn't have been complete with our menfolk trying to sneak in on the action. At the top is our two youth pastors, Tyler Tullos (Pastor T) and Jason Laird (Dr. Tweez, Tweezey, THE Tweez), two incredible guys trying to bust in on the girls' action! They should have made them wear skirts!!! :o)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Things I Want to Remember

There are moments in your life that you wish you could freeze. This is one of them. The was the first moment Griffin came into Cade's life. He had been very real to me for many months already. And even though Cade responded to countless "Come see this!!" moments, every time the baby started kicking, this was the REAL DEAL. He was finally a big brother. Cade held Griffin even before I did. There were moments that I remember from the birth, my mom cutting the cord, my friend Donna screaming, Here he comes! But there were two breathtaking moments during Griffin's birth. One was when I reached down and held his tiny hand even before I saw him. The other was when Cade held Griffin for the first time. I looked over from my hospital bed and though there must have been twenty people witnessing this very intimate moment, there was only us three. Cade looked at me, tears streaming down his face and said "Mom, he's so beautiful." I hadn't really cried until then. Heck, I'm weepy writing this now. It was just so beautiful that all I could do was cry. These boys were mine...both of them.
To be a mother has to be one of the greatest callings on earth. It took me 34 years to understand why my mother used to get so furious when I wouldn't call her to say I was going to be late. It took me lying in bed, debating on what hospitals to call first while my son was eating with some friends at Chili's at 10:30 at night, having the time of his life. What a burden a mother has to carry for each of her children. But what an amazing life!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Step in the Right Direction for Our Single Moms

One of my friends and someone I consider one of my spiritual mentors got the opportunity to be on a great radio show to speak about our single mom's group here at Healing Place Church and just about single moms in general. Jennifer is the head of our group and just speaks such promise and hope in to the lives of so many single mothers here in Baton Rouge. She is one of the most real people I've met in a long time and is the only person I know that can give me a run for my money in the talking department! She is full of energy, God and just just has a real heart for single moms. Follow this link and go listen to her appearance on the show! You can also click on her picture and view her blog! I'm warning you now: The other guest on the show can outtalk both me and Jennifer put together (it must be because she's from Haaaa-vard) so you'll just have to endure the psychobabble to hear what Jenn has to say, but it's still good listening!! Post a point for the Single Moms and getting the word out there that there is somewhere to turn!

ELIJAH - Part One

I constantly question God about what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, I guess like most people. I'm a go-getter and to just do one thing at a time is unthinkable for me. Wait...maybe that's called ADD. Anyway, when I was pregnant with Griffin and had lost my job, I really made the decision that I didn't want to go back to that environment to work again. So, I really began to pray about God showing me what I was supposed to be doing. And I really thought God was saying, Just be a Mother right now. Well, of course, I tried to explain to God that I can do more than one thing at a time! But nothing else was revealed.

I spoke with a friend of mine that other day and told her what I was feeling, that God really wasn't revealing anything to me and I felt out of sorts. She explained to me about timing and that when God begins to lead a person on their path, so many many things start to come against them. She said, Do you really want to deal with those challenges AND a new baby? For the first time, I realized what was happening. God was telling me to be still and be patient. It wasn't time.

In the mornings, I usually sit in my chair and feed Griffin and just pray and stare at how beautiful he is. This morning, though, I tuned in to one of my favorite websites to listen to a sermon by my favorite pastor next to my own. His sermon was on Elijah and it rocked me so hard that I had to blog about it. You can watch the sermon at or you can click on the picture above and get to it. If you have 20 mins., don't miss it, especially if you're feeling like me. Here's the points that stuck out to me:

Elijah, as everyone knows, was one of the greatest men of God in the bible. He "walked with God", he raised a boy from the dead. He was one of God's favorites. But what I didn't know was what happened BEFORE that. In I Kings 17:1-8, Craig Groeschel tells the story of Elijah and how God did a great work in his life to allow him to become the great man of God that we all know about. Before he "walked with God", God took him into a season of hiding and Elijah lived in the Kereith Ravine away from everyone and everything. He was completely cut off from civilization. God wanted to do a deep work in his heart. He wanted to do more IN him so he could do more THROUGH him. Elijah went through 3 distinct seasons:

1. A season of isolated pain

Elijah was all alone for months in this ravine. You can imagine he was lonely, he was cut off from his source of food, companionship, etc. God wanted to humble Elijah so that he was completely in tune and dependent on God. God wanted to humble him privately so he could use him publicly. This spoke to me because if you know me, you know that I have really been going through this period in my life over the last 2 years. I can honestly say I've lost almost everything. I lost ALL of my friends, I have been cutoff from certain members of my family who were my source for a long time, I lost my job and had no income while carrying a baby. I have been so lonely that I prayed to God to send me friends and mentors. Every single thing in my life has changed over the last 2 years. There is nothing that has stayed the same. There were days that I went through such dark depression that I stayed in bed all day. But God really wanted me to come to Him instead of going to my girlfriends, or my family for my problems.

Craig told a story of a bird who was flying south for the winter, but he left a little too late and as he began to fly, he realized that it was so so cold that his wings were freezing and he couldn't fly. The little bird thought, Oh no. This is it. I'm going to die. I'm going to freeze to death and die. It couldn't get any worse. As the little bird's wings began to harden and stiffen from the cold, he crash landed in a field of cattle. As he sat there thinking death was imminent, his little body convulsing against the cold, a cow took a dump right on him. The bird, who thought it couldn't get any worse, realized it was now worse. Now, he was going to die, frozen to death in a big pile of manure. But as he sat there, contemplating the ever after, he realized that he was growing warmer and warmer. The heat from the manure was actually thawing his wings out! He wasn't going to die after all!! He began squawking and squawking with joy! He was going to live after all!!! The more excited he became, the louder he chirped. A nearby cat heard him and upon investigation, realized the little birdie couldn't even fly away and he promptly scooped him up out of the manure and ate him. The moral of the story? Everyone who drops manure on you isn't necessarily your enemy. Everyone who digs you out isn't necessarily your friend. and when you're in manure, keep your big mouth shut!!! I thought this was a great story!!

2. Total Dependence

God wanted Elijah to become totally dependant on Him. God sent ravens to the only brook in the ravine to feed Elijah meat every day. God was showing Elijah that He is our sole provider when we have no ability to provide for ourselves. God wanted Elijah to trust him. But interestingly enough, God did not send the ravens with enough meat for the week. They only brought enough for the day. Every day Elijah had to trust God to provide for his needs FOR THAT DAY. There have been so many times that I have had to depend on God to provide money for my bills, food, and other things. It's hard to tell a 13 year old that he can't go to the movies with his friends because we might not have electricity tomorrow. I feel like I have really had to learn to come to God for my provision this year. And you know what? My bills have never been late and we have extra money to do stuff alot of the time. I mean, we're going to Starbucks, we're not going to Jamaica okay, but I'm learning to appreciate the littlest things. I just need to hear the God will provide and when Craig said we have to trust him DAILY, it really got through to me. I'm so good about saying those blanket prayers because I think God gets tired of hearing me whine about how I need this and how I need that. But God WANTS us to depend on him! He never ever tires of our prayers.

3. Unconditional Obedience

Wow!!! This is a big one for me! Elijah had to learn to do what God said without questioning. God told him to leave the ravine where he had spent months and go to a nearby city and stay there. Now, Elijah had this routine. Granted, it wasn't the best of circumstances, but he was used to it. He knew he could eat every day and no one was going to turn the electricity off. But God said leave and go elsewhere. You know Elijah got nervous. But, um, hey God, um, I'm cool here. Just let me stay here where I know the deal, okay? I don't want to go where I don't know anyone or how things are. How many times do we stay in a rut that we know its time has passed, but we stay there because it's familiar? It's not good anymore, but it's familiar and the evil that we know is better than the evil that we don't know, right? Wrong. God wanted Elijah to have the courage to leave his familiar surroundings to go and do what God told him to do. God caused the brook to dry up and Elijah had to make a decision. Ever felt like God caused your brook to dry up? Now you have to make a decision. Do what God says or die. I have definitely felt like I've been at this crossroads where God says, okay, no more playing around. You've made this same mistake a million times before, but you won't leave the ravine. So, now it's go time. Either leave like I told you or die.

It took me getting pregnant to realize God was saying, Leave the ravine. So, I did, head in my hands, ashamed, alone, but obedient. And God has begun to change me into a new person. Am I finished? Nope. Do I never feel loneliness? All the time. But I have realized that I am walking my path like I never have before. It's scary sometimes and I forget to trust God for my provision. Thank God for mornings like this morning where He helps me remember. And I think that God is doing a deep work in my heart these last couple of years so that He can use me to do a deep work for others.

So, why did I blog this? I know there are people out there that are feeling the same loneliness and soul hurting that I felt. I know that there are plenty of people, some of them my closest friends, that are trying to stay in the ravine and they're starving to death. I want those people to know that you can leave the ravine now. Don't give up. Don't be depressed. Be obedient. Be real. None of us is perfect and there is always hope.

Go check out the Life Church sermons. You will LOVE them!!! This one is called ELIJAH.


Friday, June 5, 2009


Okay...everyone has a Blog except me. So, you know I've got to have one, even if I am the last on the block to try it out. Maybe you'll find it interesting, maybe you won't. Maybe someone will read it on a day when I have something important to say and it will give them hope for the day. Of course, you'll have to wade through endless pictures of my new baby, my 13-going-on-30 teenage son, and probably my cats too, to actually get to the meat of what I have to say. You'll probably also have to read page long litanies about why the people at McDonald's can't just smile at the window and try to enjoy their job among other issues that I feel plague the world that day. But eventually, you may be surprised...I may say something worth reading.

So, first about me. I am a 34 year old single mom who lives in Baton Rouge and attends Healing Place Church. I happened upon this church one day and my life has never been the same. God truly calls us to be where he wants us to be. I come from a place where alot of single moms come from, depression, loneliness, addiction, abuse, and lots of other stuff. I've been in that big black hole where so many women are and there were definitely times I thought I couldn't make it through. But God truly has delivered me from the mud and filth that used to be my life. And it's not always easy, in fact, rarely easy. As I listened to a song one morning while I was praying, I listened to the words and heard the phrase, A Beautiful Mess. I thought, That's me. God has taken what used to be such a mess, and made it beautiful. I'm not ashamed to say that God finds me beautiful...and worthy...and loved...and desired...and clean. It's taken me a long time to get to this point, but every day I am reminded (some days more than others) what I used to be compared to where I am now. I am still a mess :o) but God is constantly working on me.

I have a 13 year old son who is the most brillant guy in the world (just ask him) and pretty handsome if I do say so myself. It is a challenge to raise a guy to be godly in today's world when he is surrounded with things you can't even imagiine. Sometimes, he comes home with these things that make my ears burn and I have to put on that face that says Oh? Really? No big deal...tell me more (moms know that face), when inside I'm screaming, Oh NO!!!!! Not THAT question!!!!

I also have a beautiful new 11 week old baby. He is amazing and everyone has to hear about him and see his pictures ad nauseum. In case you don't know what that means, it means until you want to throw up! Sorry...I've become one of "those moms".

I also share my house with 5 cats...that's right 5. Before you ask, no, I didn't intend on having 5 cats. Why on Earth would anyone intend on 5 cats??? It makes life interesting to say the least...

So, that's me and mine. Stay tuned for more on life, God, being a mom, why I hate Wal-Mart, how I like my coffee and other world-changing events!!